Saturday, October 11, 2008

Down to the Finishing Post

OK so where was I.....

Thursday afternoon was spent relaxing in my room. Now a little known Stern family lore is that we break out fast with Malteesers – I know they probably aren’t kosher or even healthy but for 20 years this has been the fast-breaker. But damned if I could find them in Beijing so Lindt chocolate it was.

That evening it was off to the a lavish WBF dinner at the Crowne Plaza Hotel where I caught up with a number of friends whom I only see at these events. I sat next to two smokers but as they were both ladies one of whom was quite attractive and good fun to be with I resisted my normal urges.

The Australian Open team were sunk at this stage while the ladies were struggling. The seniors were playing superbly running first or second after every match. In the youth the Under 26 were locked into qualifying while the U21 and U28 were some small chance.

I had swapped my commentating duties on Friday to enable me to take the day off. Without anything obvious to do I wandered over to the youth Championships on the other side of Olympic Park and what did I do....commentate on VuGraph.....I know a day off but it was good fun and there was some excellent bridge.

Lunch with the youth players is always good fun. They have such a positive attitude to the game, which would be good to see in other players.

Back to the main venue and nothing to do I go to the theatre and do some commentating before going back to the room to watch the last match.

The final results can be found in the bulletins:

Friday night and I was invited to dinner by the Open Team. A superb TeppanYaki meal around the chef’s cooking plate. Everything from Beef, Lamb, chicken, Prawns, Scallops etc etc and even some healthy salads etc.

Saturday morning and I decide to undertake some retail therapy but as with everything in China, if it has a brand name it costs 30% to 50% more in China – so nothing purchased.

I head back to the VG theatre to perform my duties. I commentate on Norway accounting for Turkey and for the final match watch Poland eliminate USA.

The Australian Seniors have done exceptionally well eliminating Pakistan in the round of 16 to make the quarter-finals and now play Egypt.

Standings (my predictions first) are:

Italy v Poland
Norway v China
Romania v England
Netherlands v Germany

China v Germany
USA v Denmark
England v France
Turkey v Russia

USA v Hungary
Australia v Egypt
Indonesia V Netherlands
England v Japan

Poland v France
Norway v China

U 26
Norway v Denmark
Poland v Chinese Taipei

U21 – No thoughts on this.
France v Bulgaria
China v England

Is there something we should learn from Norway making 3 of the 6 divisions

The datums are published in the Daily Bulletin

Gill-Richman +0.16 per board
Thomson-Brightling -0.05 per board
Klinger-Mullamphy -0.41 per board

Lusk-Tully +0.40 per board
Beale-Smart -0.21 per board
Snashall-Murray-White -0.23 per board

Seniors – an amazingly fine performance by all three pairs
Brown-Kanetkar +0.76 per board
Lilley-Nagy +0.65 per board
Lavings-Krochmalik +0.56 per board

The seniors is an event winning performance and worthy of further investigation into what led to such a fine performance. Ishmael has been a fine captain and very inspirational to the team and deserves much credit for the performance of this team.

That evening it was off to the IBPA dinner the venue for which I had organised. A Brazilian Grill at the Crowne Plaza Hotel which was very well received by all. At the dinner I suggested that I would arrange Chinese in Brazil next year when the world championships are to be held in Sao Paulo.

Next morning and off to the AGM of the International Bridge Press Association where I am to be elected to the executive. Yes I know that I swore off all bridge administration two years ago but this position is not too onerous.

And here I am sitting in the meeting writing this blog which may say something about my manners of the nature of the meeting.

Today I am doing the last 16 of 48 boards so have a relatively easy day. While VG commentating may sound like a cushy job it is tiring. You have an audience of up to 100 people wanting to find error in every word you say but mercifully so far not too many of those. I have an article in the bulletin today on page 17 at:

Haven’t seen nearly enough of Beijing and am fearful of another world championship visit without seeing enough of the city – something I regrettably did in Santiago.

Anyway enough of my ramblings – more in a few days

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